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Routeways Centre Limited was founded in 1997, originally called PICTOP (Plymouth Inner City Team of Projects) it was an assimilation of community benefit and economic regeneration projects managed by Plymouth City Council.

In 1999 the company changed its name to the now well-known Routeways Centre Limited. Routeways, then based in Chapel Street Mount Wise. Routeways achieved charitable status in 2000.

Routeways main office moved to its current home in Devonport Park  and continues to provide valuable support to families, individuals and children & young people from across the City and beyond.


Mission and Goals

Routeways vision is for a society where people do not suffer through disadvantage.

Our mission is to support and enable individuals, families, and communities to overcome barriers caused by disadvantage.

The charity is for the benefit of person’s resident within the South West Peninsula including Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset (defined as area of benefit). The Charity’s objects and principal activities are:

• The relief of unemployment for the public benefit in such ways as may be thought fit, including assistance to find employment.

• To act as a resource for children, young people and families living in the area of benefit by providing advice, professional support and assistance and organising programmes of physical, educational and other activities as a means of:

(a) advancing in life and helping children, young people and families by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals;

(b) advancing education;

(c) reducing and preventing risk taking behaviour such as substance misuse, teenage conception, anti-social and criminal behaviour;

(d) providing recreational and leisure time activity in the interests of social welfare for people living in the area of benefit who have need by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disability, poverty or social and economic circumstances with a view to improving the conditions of life of such persons


Quality Assurance and Accreditation

Routeways is licenced by the Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority, Reference No: R1541 Licence No: L11870. The Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) came into existence in April 1996. It is currently sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions. The Health and Safety Executive is currently designated as the AALA. Adventure activities licensing ensures that activity providers follow good safety management practices.

These should allow young people to experience exciting and stimulating activities outdoors without being exposed to avoidable risks of death or disabling injury

As part of our commitment to excellence in customer service we have achieved the prestigious Customer Service Excellence Award.


The current board of trustees:

  • Steve Lawrie (Chair)

Steve is the Port Operations Manager for Brittany Ferries in Plymouth. Experienced Operations Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the maritime industry for over 30 years. Skilled in Management, Transportation, Team Leadership and Shipping. As well as being a strong operations professional, Steve has been a Trustee with Routeways since 2007. Previously he was a Special Constable and also volunteered with Victim Support in the Court Witness service supporting witnesses in both Magistrates and Crown Courts. When asked why he is a Trustee, Steve said ‘I am a trustee of Routeways due to my wish to ensure the lives of those less able to do so themselves are enhanced and enriched to their greatest potential using the dedicated fantastic team at Routeways and in my own small way assist in that outcome.’

  • Louise Hardy  (Deputy Chair)

Louise is a leadership and organisation development consultant, specialising in personal, team and board development and in helping organisations achieve their goals and objectives through the creation and maintenance of excellent people processes.   Alongside this, she has an academic interest in the field of leadership development and has been a Senior Lecturer and Associate Lecturer with the University of Plymouth Medical School for nearly two decades.   She designed and commissioned the Professional and Generic Skills Programme for doctors in training, and currently lectures on the Masters in Healthcare Management, Leadership and Innovation.  Louise has always believed that to 'put something back into the community pot' is a duty and a privilege, and to this end has held a variety of Trustee roles, including as Chair of the EarlyBird Diabetes Trust, as a Non-Executive Director on the Board of Plymouth Hospitals and (during lockdown) acting as a Mentor for the Prince's Trust.  Most recently, she was appointed as a Trustee on the Council of Trustees for Buckfast Abbey.  

  • Nick Holman

Nick has over 35 years' experience advising both public and private sector clients throughout the South West. He co-founded Vickery Holman in 1990.  Nick advises on specialist valuations, expert witness, landlord and tenant and dispute resolution. He is a member of the RICS President's Panels of Arbitrators and Independent Experts. Arbitrator and independent expert on rent and valuation disputes. Expert witness on commercial property with experience of oral evidence in court.

His specialist areas include leisure, healthcare, education, and professional negligence.

Current outside interests include Chair of Governors at City College Plymouth, Chairman of Brook Housing Ltd and Chairman of the Management Committee at Yelverton Golf Club.

  • Rae Wallin (Company Secretary)

Now retired, Rae has extensive experience in management consultancy and practical management support across all sectors and UK wide. Qualified and experienced in Human Resources and all aspects of general management. Previously employed in Inland Revenue, then NHS for 24 years, including Executive Director roles. Rae joined the original PICTOP organisation as she was aware of areas of deprivation in Plymouth and that this impacted negatively on individuals, communities and the whole city. Rae is clear that the original ethos of PICTOP has been adopted and significantly enhanced by Routeways. Rae says ‘The Routeways staff members are wholly committed to the charity’s role and to the provision of excellent services. The organisation responds speedily to change and evolving service provision and has a positive impact in many areas of the city. I believe that the Board of Trustees plays an important role in supporting the staff in their work; assuring due diligence; and assisting the development of this exceptional charity. I consider myself to be privileged as a Board member.’  

  • Glenn Jordan

Glenn served as a member of the Royal Navy for 10 years before being invalided out of the services. After leaving the Royal Navy he ran a small business, which he gave up to be a house husband, when his children became older he then returned to work at Royal Mail for 8 years before taking redundancy to focus on being a full time councillor and community activist. Formally he has been a Governor of 4 schools across Plymouth at different times and is involved with 2 nurseries including Chaddlewood Pre-school where he is the Chair. He is also a trustee and director of a several charitable organisations including Plymouth youth Sailing and Community Photographic Studios CIC as well as being Chairman of Chaddlewood Farm Community Centre to name a few.  In his spare time he plays Wheelchair Rugby for a Military Veterans team in Plymouth.

When asked why he is a trustee, Glenn said “there are two reasons, firstly I want to help make people lives better so when I was approached to join Routeways I couldn’t turn down the opportunity as that is at the heart of everything we do, and secondly I am dyslexic and I have met a lot of people who have conditions like Dyslexia and are extremely intelligent, but who have believed that they can’t achieve anything because of their condition, so it helps me to show those that feel their condition is a disability that it isn’t and they can achieve anything they wish”.

  • Lindsay Ward

After twenty years supporting young people and their families in Plymouth and Devonport, Lindsay changed direction when the need to provide full time care for her father arose. Lindsay combined this with ten years in frontline politics and both taught her a great deal about the challenges people face and how to solve seemingly insurmountable problems. Lindsay is currently based between her home in Devon, the University of London and Jordan, researching the development of policy to support youth in the Levant. Lindsay was made a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society in 1991 for extra-curricular projects which were judged to enrich the lives of young people. Lindsay said ‘It is a privilege to offer challenge and support for Routeways along with the other trustees. I aim to do this by drawing from my background, including senior leadership experience in secondary education and local government, and my current work as a public policy researcher and consultant.’

  • Leo Leong

Leo is a passionate HR/EDI Professional, specialising in inclusion, community/workplace cohesion and accessibility. Leo has lived experience with a disability, and advocates against social stigmas and barriers into work and sport that are endemic to the disabled community. Alongside his professional life Leo competes in climbing, and powerlifting. He is passionate about the positive influence that sport/hobbies can have on the integration of minoritised communities into general society. Leo previously served as a Town Councillor for Looe Town Council. Leo was most recently appointed as a Non-Executive Director at Care Nest Plymouth.